| WH112 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 30/11/1951, sold as scrap 29/10/1962 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH113 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 30/11/1951, sold as scrap 05/12/1957 |  | |
| WH114 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/11/1951, sold 09/11/1956 to Belgian AF as ED-39, s.o.c. 25/08/1958 and scr. |  | |
| WH115 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 22/11/1951, w/o 16/10/1955 |  | |
| WH116 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 02/11/1951, w/o 17/12/1953 |  |  |
| WH117 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 15/11/1951, sold 30/11/1956 to Belgian AF as ED-41, s.o.c. 19/01/1962 and scr. |  | |
| WH118 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 26/11/1951, d/d 08/09/1955 to RAAF as A77-707, pres. Moorabbin, Australia |  | |
| WH119 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 15/11/1951, s.o.c. 19/05/1960 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH120 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 15/11/1951, sold as scrap 05/03/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH121 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 30/11/1951, sold as scrap 16/11/1962 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH122 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 15/11/1951, sold as scrap 02/09/1957at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH123 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 27/11/1951, sold as scrap 16/11/1962 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH124 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 27/11/1951, w/o 15/04/1958 |  | |
| WH125 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 29/11/1951, d/d 27/03/1953 to KLu as I-305, w.f.u. 18/01/1961 |  | |
| WH126 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/12/1951, sold as scrap 02/08/1957 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH127 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 15/11/1951, s.o.c. 14/10/1963 as CAT 5(C) at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH128 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 26/11/1951, sold to Glosters, to G-7-126, SE-CAT, to Swedish AF |  | |
| WH129 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 27/11/1951, sold as scrap 05/03/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH130 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 22/11/1951, w/o 16/07/1952 |  | |
| WH131 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 26/11/1951, w/o 10/11/1953 |  | |
G5/442109 | WH132 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 10/12/1951, s.o.c. 27/07/1966 at No.5 MU Kemble, pres. Hooton Park |  | |
| WH133 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/12/1951, sold as scrap 21/02/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH134 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 29/11/1951, sold as scrap 31/03/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH135 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/12/1951, d/d 14/12/1954 to KLu as I-316, w.f.u. 04/07/1961 |  | |
| WH136 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/12/1951, d/d 05/03/1952 to AdlA as F7 |  | |
| WH164 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 29/11/1951, sold as scrap 22/07/1957 at No.19 MU St. Athan |  | |
| WH165 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 03/01/1952, d/d 14/02/1952 to KLu as I-11, w.f.u. 1959 |  | |
| WH166 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 01/01/1952, to Digby as 8052M 09/09/1969, pres. Birlingham |  | |
| WH167 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/01/1952, w/o 13/05/1952 |  | |
| WH168 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 19/12/1951, sold 01/07/1953 to AdlA as F8 |  | |
| WH169 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 14/01/1952, w/o 26/09/1960 |  | |
| WH170 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 09/01/1952, sold as scrap 22/07/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH171 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 02/01/1952, d/d 13/04/1953 to Belgian AF as ED-11, s.o.c. 19/01/1962, scr. |  | |
| WH172 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 02/01/1952, sold as scrap 02/09/1957 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH173 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 16/01/1952, sold as scrap 29/02/1966 at No.49 MU Colerne |  | |
| WH174 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 02/01/1952, d/d 13/04/1953 to Belgian AF as ED-12, s.o.c. 1957 and scr. |  | |
| WH175 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 24/03/1952, s.o.c. 24/03/1960 as CAT 5(C) at Manby |  | |
| WH176 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 01/01/1952, sold as scrap 31/03/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH177 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/02/1952, sold 21/12/1955 to KLu as I-325 |  | |
| WH178 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 01/01/1952, sold as scrap 16/11/1962 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH179 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 02/01/1952, sold 19/11/1952 to KLu as I-16 |  | |
| WH180 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/01/1952, to West Raynham fire section 16/08/1961, since perished |  | |
| WH181 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 01/01/1952, sold as scrap 30/07/1957 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH182 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 11/01/1952, sold as scrap 06/11/1962 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH183 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/02/1952, w/o 08/03/1958 |  | |
| WH184 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/01/1952, sold as scrap 02/11/1962 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH185 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 02/01/1952, sold as scrap 21/02/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH186 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 14/01/1952, sold as scrap 30/10/1963 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH187 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 16/01/1952, s.o.c. 23/05/1957 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH188 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 14/01/1952, to Manby fire section 24/02/1966, since perished |  | |
| WH189 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 03/01/1952, w/o 31/08/1953 |  | |
| WH190 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 14/01/1952, w/o 27/08/1954 |  | |
| WH191 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 16/01/1952, sold as scrap 06/01/1964 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH192 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 31/01/1952, sold as scrap 16/08/1957 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH193 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/02/1952, d/d 02/04/1952 to Netherlands AF as I-13 |  | |
| WH194 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 16/01/1952, w/o 15/02/1955 |  | |
| WH195 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 31/01/1952, sold as scrap 27/03/1963 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH196 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 29/01/1952, sold 02/04/1952 to KLu as I-14 |  | |
| WH197 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 31/01/1952, w/o 29/12/1953 remains to Rufforth dump |  | |
| WH198 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 06/02/1952, s.o.c. 28/02/1963 CAT 5(C) at Manby |  | |
| WH199 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 29/01/1952, sold 02/04/1952 to KLu as I-15 |  | |
| WH200 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 30/01/1952, w/o 09/03/1955, remains to No.71 MU Bicester |  | |
| WH201 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/02/1952, s.o.c. 24/10/1961 |  | |
| WH202 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 30/01/1952, d/d 19/11/1952 to KLu as I-17 |  | |
| WH203 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/02/1952, sold 14/02/1952 to KLu as I-12 |  | |
| WH204 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 07/02/1952, w/o 21/11/1957 |  | |
| WH205 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/02/1952, sold as scrap 30/10/1961 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH206 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 30/01/1952, w/o 20/01/1959 |  | |
| WH207 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/02/1952, sold 20/03/1953 to KLu as I-301, w/o 17/03/1954 |  | |
| WH208 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 07/02/1952, w/o 23/06/1967, s.o.c. 18/07/1967 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH209 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/02/1952, s.o.c. 12/11/1960 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH215 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/02/1952, s.o.c. 08/10/1963 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH216 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 07/02/1952, s.o.c. 27/07/1959 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH217 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 07/02/1952, w/o 09/10/1952 |  | |
| WH218 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/02/1952, s.o.c. 13/01/1969 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH219 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 07/02/1952, sold as scrap 02/09/1957 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH220 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 12/02/1952, w/o 18/01/1954 |  | |
| WH221 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/02/1952, s.o.c. 14/01/1958 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH222 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 20/02/1952, sold 20/03/1953 to KLu as I-302 |  | |
| WH223 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 23/02/1952, s.o.c. 01/06/1967 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH224 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 08/02/1952, to Strubby fire section 11/08/1966, since perished |  | |
| WH225 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 30/10/1954 |  | |
| WH226 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 18/02/1952, s.o.c. 25/10/1963, to Seletar, Singapore as 7818M, scr. 17/01/1968 |  | |
| WH227 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 18/02/1952, w/o 23/06/1952 |  | |
| WH228 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 18/02/1952, sold 10/09/1956 to French AF |  | |
| WH229 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 22/02/1952, w/o 24/06/1952 |  | |
| WH230 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 09/04/1953 |  | |
| WH231 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 20/02/1952, w/o 11/03/1965 |  | |
| WH232 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 18/02/1952, w/o 21/02/1952 |  | |
| WH233 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/03/1952, sold 28/02/1953 to KLu as I-19, stored Soesterberg, Netherlands |  | |
| WH234 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 20/02/1952, w/o 12/12/1952 |  | |
| WH235 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/03/1952, s.o.c. 25/06/1963 as CAT 5c at Manby and scr. |  | |
| WH236 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 03/03/1952, w/o 26/09/1955 |  | |
| WH237 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/03/1952, d/d 20/05/1953 to Netherlands AF as I-308, w/o 02/06/1955 |  | |
| WH238 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/03/1952, w/o 10/03/1960, s.o.c. 10/05/1960 |  | |
| WH239 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/03/1952, w/o 28/06/1954 |  | |
| WH240 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/03/1952, w/o 09/12/1952, s.o.c. 15/05/1953 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH241 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/03/1952, s.o.c. 04/08/1966, to Gaydon fire dump, since perished |  | |
| WH242 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/03/1952, sold as scrap 30/10/1963 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH243 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 10/03/1952, w/o 17/07/1953 |  | |
| WH244 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 04/03/1952, w/o 12/02/1954 |  | |
| WH245 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 05/03/1952, d/d 06/01/1955 to Netherlands AF as I-310 |  | |
| WH246 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 27/03/1952, w/o 04/05/1953 |  | |
| WH247 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 12/03/1952, d/d 21/10/1955 to Netherlands AF as I-324 |  | |
| WH248 | Gloster Meteor T7 | d/d 10/03/1952, s.o.c. 30/11/1961 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH249 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/09/1951, w/o 27/08/1955 |  | |
| WH250 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/08/1951, w/o 01/10/1957, s.o.c. 08/1958 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH251 | Gloster Meteor U21 | d/d 18/09/1951, d/d 18/12/1951 to RAAF as A77-510, to U21, w/o 12/11/1968 |  | |
| WH252 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 18/09/1951, d/d 18/12/1951 to RAAF as A77-793, sold as scrap 30/04/1959 |  | |
| WH253 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/09/1951, w/o 19/11/1955 |  | |
| WH254 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 18/09/1951, d/d 18/12/1951 to RAAF as A77-258, sold as scrap 30/04/1959 |  | |
| WH255 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/10/1951, sold as scrap 06/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH256 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 27/09/1951, w/o 16/06/1959 |  | |
| WH257 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 28/09/1951, sold as scrap 06/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH258 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 20/09/1951, sold as spares 24/03/1959 to Ministry of Supply for Flight Refuelling |  | |
| WH259 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/09/1951, d/d 17/12/1951 to RAAF as A77-11, w/o 26/05/1953, b/u 25/08/1953 |  | |
| WH260 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 24/09/1951, sold to Gloster 14/12/1955, to G-7-153, d/d 07/05/1956 to Syrian AF as 419 |  | |
| WH261 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/11/1951, sold as scrap 05/08/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH262 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/12/1951, sold as scrap 18/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH263 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/10/1951, sold as scrap 14/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH272 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/10/1951, sold as scrap 04/03/1959 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH273 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/10/1951, sold as scrap 11/03/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH274 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/10/1951, d/d 17/12/1951 to RAAF as A77-343, w/o 08/03/1953 |  | |
| WH275 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/10/1951, s.o.c. 09/02/1959 to Sutton-on-Hull fire section |  | |
| WH276 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/10/1951, w/o 18/09/1952, to 7005M 13/01/1952, scr. 20/10/1952 |  | |
| WH277 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/10/1951, sold as scrap 04/03/1958 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH278 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/10/1951, w/o 22/05/1954 |  | |
| WH279 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 24/10/1951, sold as scrap 13/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH280 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 16/11/1951, w/o 26/08/1956 |  | |
| WH281 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 23/10/1951, sold 12/10/1961 at No.33 MU Lyneham to Flight Refuelling Ltd |  | |
| WH282 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 18/10/1951, sold as scrap 06/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH283 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/11/1951, w/o 16/12/1953 |  | |
| WH284 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 12/12/1951, to MoS for conversion to D16 drone |  | |
| WH285 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 23/10/1951, sold as scrap 04/03/1958 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH286 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 31/10/1951, to Flight Refuelling 16/05/1972 |  | |
| WH287 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/11/1951, w/o 13/09/1954 |  | |
| WH288 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, w/o 19/01/1954 |  | |
| WH289 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/11/1951, sold as scrap 06/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH290 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 06/12/1951, sold as scrap 06/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
AW.5052 | WH291 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/11/1951, sold 10/02/1976, pres. Speke |  | |
| WH292 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/10/1951, w/o 03/06/1952 |  | |
| WH293 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/10/1951, sold as scrap 21/11/1963 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH294 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 16/11/1951, w/o 09/09/1952 |  | |
| WH295 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 16/11/1951, sold as scrap 23/08/1957 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH296 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/11/1951, s.o.c. 11/06/1956 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH297 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/11/1951, to 7389M 29/11/1956, n.t.u. and scr. |  | |
| WH298 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/11/1951, w/o 24/01/1954 |  | |
| WH299 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/11/1951, w/o 21/12/1954 |  | |
| WH300 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/11/1951, s.o.c. 01/05/1959 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH301 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 27/11/1951, to 7930M 26/01/1967, pres. RAF Museum, Hendon, Barnet |  | |
| WH302 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/12/1951, w/o 18/09/1954 |  | |
| WH303 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/01/1952, sold as scrap 27/03/1963 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH304 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 06/12/1951, to 7367M 19/09/1956 at Kirham, later scr. |  | |
| WH305 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 22/11/1951, s.o.c. 15/11/1971 to Honington fire dump, since perished |  | |
| WH306 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 10/12/1951, sold as scrap 05/08/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH307 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 18/12/1951, sold as scrap 24/04/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH308 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/01/1952, w/o 03/06/1954 |  | |
| WH309 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 10/12/1951, transferred to MoA 26/10/1961, s.o.c. 13/03/1972 |  | |
| WH310 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, sold as scrap 06/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH311 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 28/12/1951, w/o 25/02/1953 |  | |
| WH312 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/01/1952, w/o 02/04/1954 |  | |
| WH313 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, sold as scrap 29/04/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH314 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 28/12/1951, w/o 06/10/1954 |  | |
| WH315 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 18/12/1951, w/o 04/07/1961 |  | |
| WH316 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/01/1952, sold as scrap 04/03/1958 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH317 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, sold as scrap 10/04/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH318 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/01/1952, sold as scrap 24/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH319 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/12/1952, sold as scrap 29/06/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH320 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 09/01/1952, to MoS for D16 drone conversion, w/o 15/08/1979 |  | |
| WH342 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/01/1952, w/o 29/02/1952 |  | |
| WH343 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 08/02/1952, sold as scrap 05/08/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  |  |
| WH344 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 02/01/1952, w/o 29/10/1961 |  | |
| WH345 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, sold as scrap 29/06/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH346 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 02/01/1952, w/o 11/10/1957 |  | |
| WH347 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/01/1952, w/o 13/04/1953 |  | |
| WH348 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/01/1952, w/o 19/07/1954 |  | |
| WH349 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 18/01/1952, sold 17/03/1960 to MoS for D16 conversion, w/o 17/11/1961 |  | |
| WH350 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/01/1952, to G-7-134, d/d 18/04/1955 to Egyptian AF as 1415 |  | |
| WH351 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/03/1952, w/o 18/03/1953 |  | |
| WH352 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/02/1952, sold as scrap 29/06/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH353 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/01/1952, sold as scrap 06/07/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH354 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 30/01/1952, sold as scrap 01/04/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH355 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 22/01/1952, w/o 28/06/1956 |  | |
| WH356 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 22/01/1952, sold as scrap 08/04/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH357 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 06/02/1952, to No.1 SoTT Halton for G.I. as 7254M 11/08/1955, scr. |  | |
| WH358 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/02/1952, w/o 24/03/1953 |  | |
| WH359 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 29/01/1952, sold 10/03/1960 to MoS for D16 conversion, w/o 20/07/1961 |  | |
| WH360 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 30/01/1952, sold as scrap 12/03/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH361 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 04/02/1952, s.o.c. 08/05/1957 as CAT 5(C) at Manby |  | |
| WH362 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 08/02/1952, w/o 04/11/1952 |  | |
| WH363 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/01/1952, sold as scrap 12/05/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH364 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 04/02/1952, to 8169M 23/08/1971, pres. Staverton |  | |
| WH365 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 12/02/1952, sold 14/03/1960 to MoS for D16 conversion, w/o 19/04/1963 |  | |
| WH366 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 08/02/1952, to No.10 SoTT Kirham for G/I as 7318M 06/02/1956, later scr. |  | |
| WH367 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 30/01/1952, sold as scrap 27/07/1959 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH368 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/02/1952, sold as scrap 29/06/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH369 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 12/02/1952, to MoS 23/11/1959 for D16 conversion, w/o 19/04/1963 |  |  |
| WH370 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 11/02/1952, sold as scrap 13/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH371 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/02/1952, to G-7-136, d/d 19/05/1955 to Egyptian AF as 1420 |  | |
| WH372 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 19/02/1952, to MoS 17/03/1959 for D16 conversion, s.o.c. 13/03/1972 |  | |
| WH373 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 22/02/1952, to MoS 09/02/1961 for D16 conversion, s.o.c. 13/03/1972 |  | |
| WH374 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 23/08/1956 |  |  |
| WH375 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/02/1952, w/o 14/09/1955 |  | |
| WH376 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 19/02/1952, to MoS 24/03/1961 for Flight Refuelling, w/o 09/11/1962 |  | |
| WH377 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 11/11/1955 |  |  |
| WH378 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/02/1952, w/o 19/04/1955 |  | |
| WH379 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 08/08/1955 |  | |
| WH380 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 22/02/1952, sold as scrap 28/05/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH381 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 27/02/1952, to MoS 13/11/1959 for D16 conversion, s.o.c. 13/03/1972 |  | |
| WH382 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 27/02/1952, to No.4 SoTT, St. Athan for G.I. as 7265M, scr. 17/02/1960 |  | |
| WH383 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/02/1952, w/o 14/11/1953 |  | |
| WH384 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/02/1952, w/o 14/11/1953 |  | |
| WH385 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 10/03/1952, sold as scrap 04/03/1958 at No.33 MU, Lyneham |  | |
| WH386 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/02/1952, sold as scrap 24/08/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH395 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/02/1952, w/o 15/08/1955 |  | |
| WH396 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 11/03/1952, sold as scrap 09/09/1957 to the MoS Ordanace Board |  | |
| WH397 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 11/03/1952, sold as scrap 11/03/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH398 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 10/03/1952, s.o.c. 12/01/1962 as CAT 5(C) at No.389 MU Seletar, Singapore |  | |
| WH399 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 13/03/1952, w/o 04/06/1952, s.o.c. 13/02/1953 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH400 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 13/03/1952, w/o 04/10/1954 |  | |
| WH401 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/03/1952, sold as scrap 30/10/1963 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH402 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/03/1952, sold as scrap 08/01/1964 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH403 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 14/03/1952, sold as scrap 06/07/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH404 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/03/1952, sold as scrap 01/04/1963 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH405 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/03/1952, d/d 16/07/1952 to RAAF as A77-865, sold as scrap 30/04/1959 |  | |
| WH406 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/04/1952, sold as scrap 27/01/1958 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH407 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/03/1952, w/o 28/09/1953 |  | |
| WH408 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 20/03/1952, w/o 05/12/1954 |  | |
| WH409 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 25/03/1952, sold as scrap 19/12/1957 at No.19 MU St. Athan |  | |
| WH410 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 25/03/1953, s.o.c. 27/01/1969 as CAT 5(S), to SAFTECH-3, scr. |  | |
| WH411 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 25/03/1952, sold as scrap 30/12/1963 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH412 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 25/03/1952, sold as scrap 06/07/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH413 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 27/03/1952, s.o.c. 16/01/1957 as CAT 5(C) |  |  |
| WH414 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 26/03/1952, d/d 17/07/952 to RAAF as A77-866, w/o 31/05/1954 |  | |
| WH415 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 03/04/1952, w/o 14/05/1956 |  |  |
| WH416 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/03/1952, sold as scrap 01/04/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH417 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 03/04/1952, d/d 16/07/1952 to RAAF as A77-862, w/o 31/05/1954 |  | |
| WH418 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 03/04/19522 to RAAF as A77-861, perished Point Cook by 14/10/1964 |  | |
| WH419 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 22/04/1952, to MoA 20/12/1961, w/o 20/09/1965 |  | |
| WH420 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 16/04/1952, to MoA 20/11/1959, s.o.c. 13/03/1972 |  | |
| WH421 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/04/1952, w/o 26/07/1956 |  | |
| WH422 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/04/1952, w/o 27/05/1954 |  | |
| WH423 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 16/04/1952, sold as scrap 12/08/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH424 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 18/04/1952, w/o 18/12/1952 |  | |
| WH425 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 07/05/1952, w/o 12/12/1952 |  | |
| WH426 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 18/04/1952, sold as scrap 11/03/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH442 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 23/04/1952, w/o 18/12/1952 |  | |
| WH443 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 23/04/1952, w/o 10/01/1956, scr. Hucknall 09/07/1976 |  | |
| WH444 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 24/04/1952, w/o 28/10/1954 |  | |
| WH445 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/09/1951, sold as scrap 20/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH446 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/10/1951, s.o.c. 20/03/1959 as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH447 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/10/1951, sold as scrap 19/12/1957 at No.19 MU St. Athan |  | |
| WH448 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/10/1951, d/d 01/10/1951 to Belgium as EG-150, w/o 15/09/1955 |  | |
| WH449 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/10/1951, to Kirkham for G.I. as 7366M, scr. |  |  |
| WH450 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/10/1951, sold as scrap 07/03/1963 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH451 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/10/1951, sold as scrap 19/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH452 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/10/1951, w/o 28/03/1957 |  | |
G5/415582 | WH453 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/10/1951, d/d 11/03/1952, pres. Bentwaters Museum, Suffolk |  | |
| WH454 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 09/10/1952, sold as scrap 12/03/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH455 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 10/10/1952, w/o 11/12/1952 |  | |
| WH456 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/10/1951, sold as scrap 06/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH457 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/10/1951, sold as scrap 10/04/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH458 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/10/1951, w/o 27/08/1954 |  | |
| WH459 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 12/10/1951, sold as scrap 12/05/1958 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH460 | Gloster Meteor D21 | d/d 02/01/1952, transferred to MoA 01/09/1960 |  | |
| WH461 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 03/01/1952, sold as scrap 06/07/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  |  |
| WH462 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 22/10/1951, sold as scrap 07/09/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH463 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 02/11/1951, sold as scrap 14/04/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH464 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 17/10/1951, sold as scrap 29/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH465 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/10/1951, sold as scrap 03/02/1958 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH466 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 24/10/1951, w/o 19/04/1956 |  | |
| WH467 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/10/1951, w/o 26/10/1953 |  | |
| WH468 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 22/10/1951, sold as scrap 19/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH469 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 23/10/1951, transferred to MoA 31/10/1961, w/o 22/04/1965 |  | |
| WH470 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/10/1951, sold as scrap 24/04/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH471 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 01/11/1951, sold as scrap 18/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH472 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/11/1951, w/o 29/09/1952 |  | |
| WH473 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 02/11/1951, w/o 11/12/1952 |  | |
| WH474 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 02/11/1951, sold as scrap 29/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH475 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 02/11/1951, d/d 29/11/1951 to RAAF as A-77-65, w/o 29/08/1952 |  | |
| WH476 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 19/11/1951, sold as scrap 24/04/1959 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH477 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/11/1951, w/o 27/02/1953 |  | |
| WH478 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 15/11/1951, w/o 11/03/1954 |  |  |
| WH479 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, d/d 20/08/1952 to RAAF as A77-852, w/o 24/12/1952 |  | |
| WH480 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 11/01/1952, sold as scrap 17/01/1958 at No.8 MU Little Rissington |  | |
| WH481 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 31/12/1951, sold as scrap on 06/07/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH482 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/02/1952, s.o.c. 17/09/1962 to Lyneham fire section, since scrapped |  | |
| WH483 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 14/12/1951, sold as scrap 11/03/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH484 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 11/01/1952, s.o.c. 24/06/1957 at No.71 MU Bicester as CAT 5(C) |  | |
| WH498 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 11/01/1952, s.o.c. 12/04/1957 |  | |
| WH499 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 04/01/1952, transferred to MoA 02/03/1959, w/o 09/11/1960 |  | |
| WH500 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 16/01/1952, transferred to MoA 06/11/1959, w/o 16/06/1961 |  | |
| WH501 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/01/1952, sold as scrap 29/06/1959 at No.20 MU Aston Down |  | |
| WH502 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 29/01/1952, sold as scrap 10/04/1959 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH503 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/02/1952, to Glosters Aircraft Co, to G-7-151, to Syrian AF as 417 |  | |
| WH504 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 05/02/1952, sold as scrap 19/05/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH505 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 05/03/1952, transferred to MoA 22/03/1960, w/o 26/10/1961 |  | |
| WH506 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 29/02/1952, transferred to MoA 21/11/1959, w/o 12/06/1961 |  | |
| WH507 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 27/05/1957 |  | |
| WH508 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 25/02/1952, sold as scrap 04/03/1958 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH509 | Gloster Meteor D16 | d/d 26/02/1952, transferred to MoA 09/03/1961, w/o 03/08/1962 |  |  |
| WH510 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/02/1952, w/o 16/12/1953 |  | |
| WH511 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 26/02/1952, sold as scrap 04/03/1958 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH512 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 21/02/1952, sold as scrap 28/04/1959 at No.5 MU Kemble |  | |
| WH513 | Gloster Meteor F8 | d/d 14/03/1952, w/o 07/02/1953 |  | |
| WH533 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 11/01/1952, sold as scrap 05/09/1957 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH534 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 11/01/1952, sold as scrap 07/02/1958 at No.12 MU Kirbride |  | |
| WH535 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 15/01/1952, s.o.c. 06/09/1957 asCAT 5(S) at No.15 MU Wroughton |  | |
| WH536 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 30/01/1952, sold as scrap 04/08/1957 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH537 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 15/01/1952, sold as scrap 05/09/1957 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH538 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 01/02/1952, w/o 08/04/1954 |  | |
| WH539 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 05/02/1952, w/o 01/10/1958 |  | |
| WH540 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 16/01/1952, d/d 15/09/1954 to FAEcuador as 706, to FF-116, pres. |  | |
| WH541 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 16/01/1952, w/o 02/11/57, s.o.c. 05/11/1957 as CAT.5(c) in Malta |  | |
| WH542 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 15/01/1952, w/o 15/03/1956 |  | |
| WH543 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 15/01/1952, d/d 29/09/1954 to FAEcuador as 707, to FF-117 |  | |
| WH544 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 14/01/1952, s.o.c. 04/11/1957 as CAT 5(C) in Malta |  | |
| WH545 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 21/01/1952, s.o.c. 09/05/1960 as CAT 5(C) at No.131 MU Khormaksar, Aden |  | |
| WH546 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 30/01/1952, to Khormaksar, Aden for display as 7731M 01/09/1961, fate? |  | |
| WH547 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 05/02/1952, to Glosters, d/d 14/07/1954 to FAEcuador as 702, to FF-112 |  | |
| WH548 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 16/01/1952, s.o.c 30/12/1957 and scr. in Aden |  | |
| WH549 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 01/02/1952, d/d 23/09/1954 to FAEcuador as 708, to FF-118 |  | |
| WH550 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 03/02/1952, d/d 07/10/1954 to FAEcuador as 709, to FF-119 |  | |
| WH551 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 13/02/1952, s.o.c. 30/08/1959 as CAT 5(C) at No 131 MU Khormaksar, Aden |  | |
| WH552 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 06/02/1952, sold as scrap 19/09/1957 at No.12 MU Kirkbride to Glosters |  | |
| WH553 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 03/02/1952, d/d 20/10/1954 to FAEcuador as 710, to FF-120 |  | |
| WH554 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 05/03/1952, d/d 29/10/1954 to FAEcuador as 711, to FF-121 |  | |
| WH555 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 12/03/1952, d/d 19/11/1954 to FAEcuador as 712, to FF-122 |  | |
| WH556 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 20/03/1952, sold as scrap 05/09/1957 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH557 | Gloster Meteor FR9 | d/d 20/03/1952, sold as scrap 14/08/1957 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH569 | Gloster Meteor PR10 | d/d 12/02/1952, w/o 03/04/1956, s.o.c. 18/06/1956 |  | |
| WH570 | Gloster Meteor PR10 | d/d 12/02/1952, sold as scrap 31/01/1962 at No.33 MU Lyneham |  | |
| WH571 | Gloster Meteor PR10 | d/d 04/03/1952, sold as scrap 07/11/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH572 | Gloster Meteor PR10 | d/d 17/03/1952, sold as scrap 14/01/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
| WH573 | Gloster Meteor PR10 | d/d 24/03/1952, sold as scrap 07/11/1958 at No.12 MU Kirkbride |  | |
12826 | WH575 | Bristol 170 Freighter 170 | Never delivered, to ZK-AYG pres. Ferrymead, Christchurch, New Zealand |  | |
| WH581 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 31/08/1951, to RAN 29/10/1951, w/o 27/02/1958, sold as scrap 06/03/1959 |  | |
| WH582 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 31/08/1951, w/o 09/02/1953 |  | |
| WH583 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 31/08/1951, to RAN 11/1956, sold as scrap 25/10/1956 |  | |
| WH584 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 31/08/1951, sold 11/1956 to Hawkers of Blackpool, later scrapped |  | |
| WH585 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 07/09/1951, to G-9-21, to Burmese AF as UB471, pres. Yangon |  | |
| WH586 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 12/09/1951, to RAN 29/10/1951, w/o 11/04/1956 |  | |
| WH587 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 17/09/1951, to RAN 02/02/1952, to N260X, San Jose, California, USA |  | |
41H-636335 | WH588 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 14/09/1951, to RAN, to VH-BOU, N588, G-EEMV, stored Karlskoga, Sweden |  | |
| WH589 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 17/09/1951, composite from TF956, VX715 & WJ244, to N985WH, Kenosha, WI, USA |  | |
| WH590 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 18/09/1951, d/d 02/1952 to RAN, perished Nowra circa 1961 |  | |
| WH591 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 26/09/1951, w/o 04/06/1952 |  | |
| WH592 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 20/09/1951, s.o.c. 17/12/1956 sold to Hawkers of Blackpool, presume scrapped |  | |
| WH593 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 21/09/1951, s.o.c. 06/12/1956 to KLu Fire School, Groot Heidekom 1964, scr. |  | |
| WH594 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 01/10/1951, w/o 12/08/1954 |  | |
| WH612 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 26/09/1951, w/o 29/01/1955 |  | |
| WH613 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 01/10/1951, s.o.c. 06/12/1956 to G-9-2, d/d 31/12/1957 to Burmese AF as UB455 |  | |
| WH614 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 08/10/1951, to Hawkers of Blackpool, to G-9-39, d/d 1958 to FACubana |  | |
| WH615 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 08/10/1951, w/o 22/03/1952 |  | |
| WH616 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 15/10/1951, w/o 28/08/1952 |  | |
| WH617 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 18/10/1951, s.o.c. 06/12/1956, to G-9-39, d/d 25/11/1958 to FACubana |  | |
| WH618 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 18/10/1951, w/o 14/08/1952 |  | |
| WH619 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 18/10/1951, d/d 31/12/1957 to Burmese AF as UB451, w/o 06/01/1958 |  | |
| WH620 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 19/10/1951, w/o 11/02/1953 |  | |
| WH621 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 19/10/1951, s.o.c. 06/12/1956, to G-9-41, d/d 02/12/1958 to FACubana |  | |
| WH622 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 19/10/1951, w/o 06/08/1953 |  | |
| WH623 | Hawker Sea Fury FB11 | d/d 01/11/1951, w/o 11/08/1953 |  | |
F8750 | WH627 | Fairey Firefly AS6 | d/d 11/04/1951, d/d 13/01/1953 to RAN, w/o 13/04/1955, scr. Nowra |  | |
F8751 | WH628 | Fairey Firefly AS6 | d/d 03/05/1951, sold as scrap 22/07/1957 at Anthorn |  | |
F8752 | WH629 | Fairey Firefly AS6 | d/d 03/05/1951, w/o 12/12/1952 |  | |
F8753 | WH630 | Fairey Firefly AS6 | d/d 03/05/1951, to Yeovilton as A2385, scr. 26/11/1956 |  | |
F8754 | WH631 | Fairey Firefly AS6 | d/d 03/05/1951, w/o 01/12/1951 |  | |
F8755 | WH632 | Fairey Firefly AS6 | d/d 03/05/1951, to RAN, to C-GBDG, pres. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada |  | |
71108/71550 | WH637 | EE Canberra T4 | f/f 26/08/1952, d/d 04/09/1952, to Colerne fire section, perished 1973 |  |  |
71109 | WH638 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 15/09/1952, d/d 24/07/1968 to Ethiopan AF as 351, w.f.u. Debre Zeit |  |  |
71111 | WH639 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 03/10/1952, w/o 24/06/1954 |  |  |
71112 | WH640 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 06/10/1952, w/o 24/09/1955 |  |  |
71113 | WH641 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/10/1952, w/o 27/07/1970 |  |  |
71114 | WH642 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 06/10/1952, s.o.c. 23/01/1975 to Catterick Fire School, perished |  |  |
71115 | WH643 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/10/1952, s.o.c. 17/06/1963 to Cottesmore Fire Dump, perished |  |  |
71116 | WH644 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/10/1952, d/d 07/04/1959 to RRAF RRAF173, RRAF214, R2514, w/o 12/01/1977 |  |  |
71117 | WH645 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/10/1952, sold as scrap 15/05/1964 at No.19 MU St. Athan |  |  |
71118 | WH646 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 07/10/1952, (N) preserved Midland Air Museum, Baginton, Coventry |  | |
71119 | WH647 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/10/1952, d/d 02/1966 to FAVenezuela as 1131 |  |  |
71120 | WH648 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/10/1952, sold as scrap 13/07/1964 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
71121 | WH649 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/10/1952, sold to BAC 29/03/1965, to G-27-259, FAVenezuela as 1339 |  |  |
71122 | WH650 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 31/10/1952, sold as scrap 01/07/1964 at No.23 MU Aldergrove |  |  |
71123/71538 | WH651 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 31/10/1952, s.o.c. 14/02/1972 at No.19 MU St. Athan and sold as scrap |  |  |
71124 | WH652 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 07/11/1952, to Australia on U10 program as VH-HDH, w/o 12/02/1964 |  |  |
71125 | WH653 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 31/10/1952, d/d 07/04/1959 to RRAF R2051, w.f.u. 21/07/1971 and scr. |  |  |
71127 | WH654 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/11/1952, sold as scrap 27/04/1964 at No.23 MU Aldergrove |  |  |
71128 | WH655 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/11/1952, w/o 29/08/1958, s.o.c 26/09/1958 |  |  |
71129 | WH656 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 17/11/1952, w/o 23/08/1954 |  |  |
71130 | WH657 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 12/11/1952, (N) pres. Brenzett Museum, Kent |  |  |
71132/71665 | WH658 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 12/11/1952, d/d 20/03/1961 to Rhodesian AF as RRAF174, RRAF215, then R2155 |  |  |
71133/71585 | WH659 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 17/11/1952, d/d 21/05/1966 to Peruvian AF as 231, w/o 06/10/1971 |  |  |
71134 | WH660 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/11/1952, s.o.c. 02/02/1971 for spares and produce at Pershore |  |  |
71137 | WH661 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/11/1952, s.o.c. 05/05/1960, to PEE Shoeburynee, since destroyed |  |  |
71138 | WH662 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 19/11/1952, d/d 10/03/1959 RRAF RRAF161, RRAF202, R2502, w.f.u. 21/03/1979 |  |  |
71140 | WH663 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/11/1952, w/o 19/03/1953 |  |  |
71136 | WH664 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 19/12/1952, scr. at Wyton during 07/1992 |  | |
71141 | WH665 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 23/12/1952, to National Diving Centre, Tidenham, scr. during 2008 |  |  |
71142 | WH666 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 23/12/1952, d/d 20/03/1981 to Zimbabwe AF as 2250, stored |  |  |
71144 | WH667 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 02/02/1953, w/o 07/11/1980 |  |  |
71145 | WH668 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 22/01/1953, to 7590M at No.4 SoTT at St. Athan, s.o.c. 28/01/1963 and scr. |  |  |
71146 | WH669 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 22/01/1953, w/o 27/03/1953 |  |  |
71148 | WH670 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 01/1953, scr. 01/1992 at Wyton |  | |
71149 | WH671 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 24/12/1952, scr. 11/1961 at Hucknell |  |  |
71150 | WH672 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 19/01/1953, d/d 10/03/1959 to RRAF RRAF162, RRAF2031, R5203, w/o 03/10/1979 |  |  |
71153 | WH673 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 30/01/1953, to Farnborough 07/11/1973 for G.I, scr. 02/1994 Foulness Island |  |  |
71152/71667 | WH674 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 02/02/1954, d/d 28/03/1961 Rhodesian AF as RRAF175, RRAF216, w/o 04/04/1974 |  |  |
| WH695 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/02/1953, to No.1 SoTT Halton for G.I. as 7657M, s.o.c. 19/01/1961 |  |  |
| WH696 | EE Canberra B2 | Never delivered, w/o 27/01/1953 on delivery flight to No.23 MU Aldergrove |  |  |
| WH697 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/02/1953, w/o 11/03/1954 |  |  |
| WH698 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 18/02/1953, to Catterick Fire School 14/01/1971, since perished |  |  |
| WH699 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 03/02/1953, w/o 28/11/1959 |  |  |
| WH700 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/02/1953, s.o.c. 13/02/1970 pres. Greenock, Australia |  |  |
| WH701 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 03/02/1953, to 7659M, (N) to Talbot Green ATC, fate unknown from 08/2002 |  |  |
| WH702 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 10/09/1953, d/d 26/05/1971 to FAArgentina as B-105, pres. Mar del Plata |  |  |
| WH703 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 23/02/1953, to 8490M 29/03/1976, scr. 03/1994 at Pendine Sands Ranges |  | |
| WH704 | EE Canberra U14 | d/d 24/02/1953, broken up for spares and produce at Pershore 09/1965 |  |  |
| WH705 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 24/02/1953, to Australia on U10 program as VH-HDW, w/o 28/04/1965 |  |  |
| WH706 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 24/02/1953, s.o.c. 07/07/1972 at St. Athan and scr. |  |  |
EEP71173 | WH707 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 17/03/1953, d/d 05/05/1959 Rhodesian AF R2504, pres. Gweru Museum, Zimbabwe |  |  |
EEP71174 | WH708 | EE Canberra B2 | diverted off contract, d/d 1953 to FAVenezuela as 1-A-39, w/o 24/04/1956 |  | |
EEP71176 | WH709 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 1953 to FAVenezuela as 2-A-39, G-27-159, 6315, to G-27-303, Palo Negro dump |  | |
| WH710 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 27/03/1953, d/d 15/06/1953 RAAF A84-3, to VM-HDP, w/o 26/05/1965 |  |  |
71180 | WH711 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/04/1953, d/d 01/02/1960 to Swedish AF as 52001, pres. Ugglarp, Sweden |  |  |
| WH712 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 01/05/1953, d/d 12/1966 to FAVenezuela as 1425, stored Barcelona |  |  |
| WH713 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 09/04/1953, scrapped 07/09/1959 at Filton, Bristol to R J Coley of Ascot |  |  |
| WH714 | EE Canberra T19 | d/d 07/04/1953, w/o 19/06/1968, remains to Binbrook fire dump, perished 10/1969 |  |  |
| WH715 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 30/03/1953, w/o 01/10/1968 |  |  |
| WH716 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 01/05/1953, w/o 10/05/1955 |  |  |
| WH717 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/04/1953, w/o 01/05/1957 |  |  |
| WH718 | EE Canberra TT18 | d/d 14/04/1953, scr. 1992 at Wyton |  | |
EEP71685 | WH719 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 21/04/1953, to G-27-101, d/d 04/06/1969 to Peruvian AF as 244 |  |  |
| WH720 | EE Canberra U14 | d/d 05/05/1953, s.o.c. 20/09/1963 Pershore, remains to R J Coley, Ascot |  |  |
EEP71191 | WH721 | EE Canberra B2 | diverted off contract, d/d 1953 FAVenezuela 3-A-39, FAV6409, pres. Caracas |  | |
EEP71192 | WH722 | EE Canberra B2 | diverted off contract, d/d 1953 to FAVenezuela as 1-B-39, w/o 08/11/1954 |  | |
| WH723 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 05/05/1953, to 7628M, to AWRE Foulness 04/051978, scr. 12/1990 |  |  |
| WH724 | EE Canberra T11 | d/d 06/05/1953, s.o.c. 30/04/1976, (C) to Shawbury fire section, since perished |  |  |
| WH725 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 25/05/1953, s.o.c. 08/03/1972, preserved, IWM Duxford, Cambridgeshire |  | |
| WH726 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 16/07/1953, sold to BAC 01/02/1966, to Peruvian AF as 236 |  |  |
| WH727 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 26/06/1953, d/d 26/05/1971 to FAArgentina as B-107, w/o 01/07/1983 |  |  |
| WH728 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 10/06/1953, w/o 11/03/1955 |  |  |
| WH729 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 10/06/1953, d/d 05/12/1959 to RAAF, to VM-HDU on U10 program, w/o 14/04/1964 |  |  |
| WH730 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 19/06/1953, d/d 03/1967 FAVenezuela as 1437, w/o 03/06/1982 |  |  |
| WH731 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 19/06/1953, s.o.c. 04/02/1964, to Manby fire dump, since perished |  |  |
| WH732 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 16/07/1953, d/d 04/1967 to FAVenezuela as 1529 |  |  |
| WH733 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 16/07/1953, d/d 18/09/1959 to RAAF, to VM-HDT on U10 program, w/o 30/11/1959 |  |  |
| WH734 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 02/07/1953, scr. 2005 at Llanbedr, (N) pres. Ashburton, New Zealand |  |  |
| WH735 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 15/07/1953, to 7623M, to Catterick Fire School 03/08/1965, perished 1967 |  |  |
| WH736 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 1953 to FAVenezuela as 2-B-39, to G-27-157/G-27-309, 3246, Palo Negro dump |  | |
| WH737 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 14/07/1953 to FAVenezuela as 3-B-39, w/o 17/04/1963 |  | |
| WH738 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 08/07/1953, w/o 23/02/1954 |  |  |
| WH739 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 24/07/1953, s.o.c. 27/07/1976, (N) to 2475 Sqn ATC, Ammanford, Wales |  |  |
| WH740 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 30/07/1953, to 8762M, to East Midlands Aero Park during 12/1991 |  | |
| WH741 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 14/08/1953, s.o.c. 31/09/1963 at No.103 MU Akrotiri, Cyprus |  |  |
| WH742 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 25/08/1953, d/d 24/12/1979 to RAAF, to VM-HDW on U10 program, w/o 17/07/1962 |  |  |
| WH772 | EE Canberra PR3 | d/d 24/03/1954, s.o.c. 27/11/1968, to Benson fire dump, since perished |  |  |
| WH773 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 11/09/1953, to 8696M, to Gatwick Aviation Museum, to Weeze 25/01/2016 |  |  |
| WH774 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 20/11/1953, to Farnborough Apprentice Training Dept 04/01/1984, scrapped 1994 |  |  |
| WH775 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 11/01/1954, to 8128M, 8868M, to Welshpool, Powys, Wales 08/10/1995 |  | |
| WH776 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 11/03/1954, s.o.c. 29/07/1971, perished Pershore fire dump 03/1977 |  |  |
| WH777 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 25/02/1954, sold 30/11/1981 to BAC, to Samlesbury, broken up for spares |  | |
| WH778 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 24/02/1954, w/o 20/12/1968, s.o.c. 27/03/1969 at Tengah, Singapore |  |  |
| WH779 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 29/03/1954, to 8129M, (N) pres. South Yorkshire Air Museum, Doncaster |  | |
| WH780 | EE Canberra T22 | d/d 18/05/1954, scr. Hanningfield Metals, Stock, Essex during 1995 |  |  |
| WH790 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 07/04/1954, w/o 16/05/1957 |  |  |
| WH791 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 31/05/1954, to 8165M, 8176M n.t.u, 8187M pres. Newark Air Museum, Notts |  | |
| WH792 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 26/05/1954, to Laarbruch, West Germany as 8059M, scr. 1979 |  |  |
| WH793 | EE Canberra PR9 | d/d 26/05/1954, s.o.c. 25/04/1975, scr. 30/09/1979 at Farnborough |  |  |
| WH794 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 23/06/1954, to Catterick Fire School as 8652M 01/1984, since perished |  |  |
71283 | WH795 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 18/05/1954, w/o 05/08/1968 |  |  |
71286 | WH796 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 18/05/1954, sold as scrap on 30/11/1981 to Stock, Essex |  | |
71291 | WH797 | EE Canberra T22 | d/d 24/05/1954, (N) scr. 1995 Hanningfield Metals, Stock, Essex |  |  |
71294 | WH798 | EE Canberra PR7 | To 8130M, sold 30/11/1981 at St. Athan, (N) pres. Kesgrave |  | |
71296 | WH799 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 11/06/1954, w/o 06/11/1956 |  |  |
71299 | WH800 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 06/07/1954, sold to BAC 02/10/1969, to G-27-183, d/d 1971 to Indian AF as P1098 |  |  |
71301 | WH801 | EE Canberra T22 | d/d 11/06/1954, (N) scr. 1995 at Hanningfield Metals, Stock, Essex |  |  |
71303 | WH802 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 16/07/1954, to 8067M 27/02/1970, scrapped 1978 at Bruggen |  |  |
71305 | WH803 | EE Canberra T22 | d/d 16/07/1954, (N) scr. 1995 at Hanningfield Metals, Stock, Essex |  |  |
71309 | WH804 | EE Canberra PR7 | d/d 11/08/1954, to Laarbruch, West Germany as 8126M 08/01/1971, scr. 1977? |  |  |
71274 | WH839 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 31/03/1954, sold to BAC, d/d 23/09/1975 to Indian AF as QI795 |  |  |
71278 | WH840 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 31/03/1954, to 8350M, pres. Norfolk and Suffolk Air Museum, Flixton, Suffolk |  | |
71281 | WH841 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 31/03/1954, s.o.c. 16/08/1972 at St. Athan and scr. |  |  |
71282 | WH842 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 22/04/1954, s.o.c. 23/11/1971, to Catterick Fire School 1972, since perished |  |  |
71284 | WH843 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 22/04/1953, s.o.c. 26/11/1971 at No.19 MU St. Athan and scr. |  |  |
71287 | WH844 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 07/08/1954, to 8914M n.t.u, to Pendine Sands Ranges 19/01/1988, scr. 1999 |  |  |
71288/71685 | WH845 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 24/05/1954, G-27-224, d/d 11/08/1972 to FAPeru as 246 |  |  |
71290 | WH846 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 07/05/1954, to Yorkshire Aviation Museum, Elvington 19/05/1988 for display |  | |
71293 | WH847 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 21/05/1954, to G-27-116, d/d 07/1968 to Indian AF as Q495 |  |  |
71292 | WH848 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 03/06/1954, w.f.u. 02/08/1988, scr. Wyton 14/03/1994 |  | |
71295 | WH849 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 27/05/1954, (N) pres. Laarbruch Museum, Weeze |  | |
71304 | WH850 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 15/06/1954, (N) to RAF Marham, Norfolk |  | |
SH1610 | WH853 | EE Canberra B2 | f/f 30/10/1952, d/d 23/12/1953, w/o 18/11/1958 |  |  |
SH1611 | WH854 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 29/01/1953, s.o.c. 11/03/1969 at Pershore, (N) scr. 1986 at Chalgrove |  |  |
SH1612 | WH855 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 27/03/1953, d/d 05/05/1959 to RRAF164, RAAF205, Zimbabwe AF R2055, stored |  |  |
SH1613 | WH856 | EE Canberra TT18 | d/d 15/03/1953, l/f 02/03/1982, to 8742M, to Faygate 31/01/1986, since scr. |  | |
SH1614 | WH857 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 27/03/1953, w/o 03/05/1966 |  |  |
SH1615 | WH858 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 14/04/1953, sold as scrap 27/04/1964 at No.23 MU Aldergrove |  |  |
SH1616 | WH859 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 01/05/1953, sold as scrap 27/04/1964 at No.23 MU Aldergrove |  |  |
SH1617 | WH860 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 06/05/1953, d/d 06/04/1964 to RAAF, to VM-HDZ, w/o 25/04/1964 |  |  |
SH1618 | WH861 | EE Canberra T4 | d/d 08/07/1953, sold as scrap 15/10/1970 at St. Athan |  |  |
SH1619 | WH862 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 06/07/1953, d/d 02/1967 to FAVenezuela as 1511, Museo Aeronáutico de Maracay |  |  |
SH1620 | WH863 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 15/06/1953, to 8693M, (N) pres. Newark Air Museum |  | |
SH1621 | WH864 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 06/07/1953, w/o 11/01/1954 |  |  |
SH1622 | WH865 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/07/1953, w/o 14/08/1957 |  |  |
SH1623 | WH866 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 30/07/1953, sold as scrap 01/07/1964 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1624 | WH867 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 10/08/1953, sold 02/06/1959, to Zimbabwe R2005, w.f.u. 30/09/1977 |  |  |
SH1625 | WH868 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 19/08/1953, d/d 22/10/1966 to FAPeru as 237, w/o 04/07/1981 |  |  |
SH1626 | WH869 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 04/09/1953, to 8515M 18/12/1976, scr. Abingdon circa 1991 |  | |
SH1627 | WH870 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 20/10/1953, sold as scrap 20/12/1966 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1628 | WH871 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/10/1953, sold 02/06/1959, to Zimbabwe RAAF206, w.f.u. 03/02/1967 scr. |  |  |
SH1629 | WH872 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 09/1953, w/o 30/11/1981, (N) to Bedford dump, scr. |  | |
SH1630 | WH873 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 20/10/1953, w/o 16/08/1954 |  |  |
SH1631 | WH874 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 20/10/1953, w/o 29/01/1971 |  |  |
SH1632 | WH875 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 20/10/1953, to FAArgentina as B-109, pres. Moron Museum, Argentina |  |  |
EEP2374 | WH876 | EE Canberra U14 | d/d 21/12/1953, b/u Aberporth 1994, (N) Boscombe Down Aviation Collection |  |  |
SH1634 | WH877 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 06/11/1953, d/d 12/1965 to FAVenezuela as 129, stored El Libertador dump |  |  |
SH1635 | WH878 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 15/12/1953, s.o.c. 07/01/1972 as CAT 5(C) at St. Athan and scr. |  |  |
SH1636 | WH879 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 15/12/1953, towed to Wyton fire section on 20/07/1992, scr. 12/1992 |  |  |
SH1637 | WH880 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 21/12/1953, d/d 09/04/1969 to FAPeru as 242, w/o 13/12/1972 |  |  |
SH1638 | WH881 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 05/01/1954, d/d 11/1966 to FAVenezuela as 1280, stored El Libertador dump |  |  |
SH1639 | WH882 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 21/12/1953, w/o 13/12/1957 |  |  |
SH1640 | WH883 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 25/02/1954, sold 07/04/1959 to RRAF as RRAF166 and RRAF207, w.f.u. 07/1968 |  |  |
SH1641 | WH884 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 28/01/1954, to 7658M, scrapped 24/04/1964 at Melksham |  |  |
SH1642 | WH885 | EE Canberra U10 | d/d 28/01/1954, d/d 21/05/1962 to RAAF, to VH-HDM, w/o 01/04/1964 |  |  |
SH1643 | WH886 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 08/03/1954, d/d 09/09/1971 to FAArgentina as B-108, w/o 13/06/1982 |  |  |
SH1644/EEP2385 | WH887 | EE Canberra TT18 | d/d 08/03/1954, (N) pres. Doncaster Museum |  |  |
SH1645 | WH902 | EE Canberra T17 | d/d 08/03/1954, scr. Wyton 1995 |  | |
SH1646 | WH903 | EE Canberra T19 | d/d 08/02/1954, to 8584M, (N) pres. Elvington, North Yorkshire |  |  |
SH1647/71123 | WH904 | EE Canberra T19 | d/d 08/02/1954, pres. Newark Air Museum, (nose from B2 WH651) |  |  |
SH1648 | WH905 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 03/02/1954, d/d 05/03/1960 to Swedish AF as 52002, pres. Malmsatt, Sweden |  |  |
SH1649 | WH906 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 01/03/1954, w/o 03/12/1954 |  |  |
SH1650 | WH907 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 03/03/1954, s.o.c. 27/11/1973 to West Raynham fire dump, since perished |  |  |
SH1651 | WH908 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 03/03/1954, s.o.c. 31/01/1971, to Catterick Fire School, since scr. |  |  |
SH1652 | WH909 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 01/04/1954, sold as scrap 01/07/1964 at No.23 MU Aldergrove |  |  |
SH1653 | WH910 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 24/03/1954, s.o.c. 21/05/1964, to Ouston fire section, since perished |  |  |
SH1654 | WH911 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 24/03/1954, (N) to Wales Aircraft Museum, scr. Faygate 1993 |  | |
SH1655 | WH912 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 31/03/1954, sold as scrap 16/09/1963 at Luton Airport to Staravia Ascot |  |  |
SH1656 | WH913 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 02/04/1954, d/d 26/02/1971 to FAArgentina as B-104, w/o 13/08/1982 |  |  |
SH1657 | WH914 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 07/04/1954, to G-27-373, scr. Samlesbury early 1990's |  | |
SH1658 | WH915 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 27/05/1954, w/o 08/03/1957 |  |  |
SH1659 | WH916 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 20/05/1954, sold as scrap 01/07/1964 at Aldergrove |  |  |
SH1660 | WH917 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 05/06/1954, sold as scrap 27/04/1964 at Aldergrove |  |  |
SH1661 | WH918 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 09/06/1954, sold as scrap 01/07/1964 at Aldergrove |  |  |
SH1662 | WH919 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 20/05/1954, s.o.c. 13/01/1976 at No.23 MU Aldergrove as CAT.5(C) and scr. |  |  |
SH1663 | WH920 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 27/05/1954, s.o.c. 27/01/1972 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. Athan |  |  |
SH1664 | WH921 | EE Canberra U14 | d/d 09/06/1954, shot down 06/10/1961 near Malta |  |  |
SH1665 | WH922 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 02/07/1954, s.o.c. 23/12/1970, to Catterick Fire School, since perished |  |  |
SH1666 | WH923 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 06/07/1954, s.o.c. 31/08/1973 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. Athan |  |  |
SH1667 | WH924 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 09/07/1954, s.o.c. 14/12/1970, to Catterick Fire School, since perished |  |  |
SH1668 | WH925 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 19/08/1954, s.o.c. 03/11/1960, to Catterick Fire School, perished 1988 |  |  |
SH1669 | WH944 | EE Canberra B2 | d/d 04/10/1954, w/o 13/05/1968, s.o.c. 04/02/1969 as CAT 5(S) |  |  |
SH1670 | WH945 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 04/11/1954, s.o.c. 01/10/1971 as CAT 5(S) at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1671 | WH946 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 05/11/1954, s.o.c. 15/02/1972 to 8185M, 22 SAS Pontrillas, scr. 1982 |  |  |
SH1672 | WH947 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 04/11/1954, s.o.c. 14/02/1968 as CAT 5(S)at No.103 MU Akrotiri |  |  |
SH1673 | WH948 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 12/11/1954, w/o 15/08/1977 |  |  |
SH1674 | WH949 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 25/11/1954, s.o.c. 07/09/1970 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1675 | WH950 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 11/01/1955, w/o 18/10/1955 |  |  |
SH1676 | WH951 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 01/12/1954, w/o 07/03/1957, s.o.c. 21/03/1957 as CAT 5(C) in Malta |  |  |
SH1677 | WH952 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 02/02/1955, s.o.c. 13/07/1976, scr. 1994 at The Royal Arsenal, Woolwich |  |  |
SH1678 | WH953 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 02/02/1955, (N) pres Blyth Valley Aviation Collection, Walpole, Suffolk |  |  |
SH1679 | WH954 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 15/12/1954, sold 06/03/1969, to G-27-167, d/d 1970 to Indian AF as IF1021 |  |  |
SH1680 | WH955 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 03/01/1955, s.o.c. 29/010/1976 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St Athan |  |  |
SH1681 | WH956 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 16/02/1955, w/o 15/07/1969, s.o.c. 29/12/1969 as CAT 5(C) |  |  |
SH1682 | WH957 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 08/02/1955, to 8869M, (N) pres. East Kirkby, Lincolnshire |  | |
SH1683 | WH958 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 04/02/1955, w/o 17/08/1964 |  |  |
SH1684 | WH959 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 09/03/1955, sold 16/05/1969, to G-27-177, d/d 1970 to Indian AF as IF1022 |  |  |
SH1685 | WH960 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 09/02/1955, s.o.c. 03/01/1973, (N) pres. Rolls Royce, Derby |  | |
SH1686 | WH961 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 09/03/1955, sold 16/05/1969, to G-27-178, d/d 1970 to Indian AF as IF1023 |  |  |
SH1687 | WH962 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 02/03/1955, s.o.c. 29/09/1971, to Catterick Fire School, since perished |  |  |
SH1688 | WH963 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 31/03/1955, s.o.c. 20/09/1972 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. Athan |  |  |
SH1689 | WH964 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 30/03/1955, to 8870M, pres. Chailey, East Sussex |  | |
SH1690 | WH965 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 31/03/1955, to No.32 MU St. Athan as 8015M, sold as scrap 13/04/1970 |  |  |
SH1691 | WH966 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 01/04/1955, s.o.c. 20/09/1976 at St. Athan |  |  |
SH1692 | WH967 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 13/04/1955, w/o 22/06/1966, s.o.c 27/07/1966 as CAT5M |  |  |
SH1693 | WH968 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 13/04/1955, s.o.c. 29/10/1976 as CAT 5(S) at St. Athan |  |  |
SH1694 | WH969 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 11/05/1955, to PEE Foulness Island 29/11/1968, later scr. |  |  |
SH1695 | WH970 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 25/05/1955, s.o.c. 25/06/1976 as CAT 5(S) at St. Athan |  |  |
SH1696 | WH971 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 10/06/1955, w/o 24/04/1968, s.o.c. 31/01/1970 as CAT 5(C) in Malta |  |  |
SH1697 | WH972 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 26/09/1955, w/o 27/06/1990 |  | |
SH1698 | WH973 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 10/06/1955, w/o 05/10/1971 |  |  |
SH1699 | WH974 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 13/06/1955, s.o.c. 16/03/1973, to Wittering fire dump, perished 1975 |  |  |
SH1700 | WH975 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 10/11/1955, s.o.c. 01/10/1971 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1701 | WH976 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 12/08/1955, s.o.c. 29/11/1971, to Catterick Fire School, perished 1973 |  |  |
SH1702 | WH977 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 08/09/1955, s.o.c. 01/11/1974, to Catterick Fire School, since perished |  |  |
SH1703 | WH978 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 04/08/1955, s.o.c. 01/10/1971 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1704 | WH979 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 02/09/1955, s.o.c. 01/10/1971 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1705 | WH980 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 02/09/1955, s.o.c. 01/10/1971 at No.15 MU Wroughton |  |  |
SH1706 | WH981 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 20/09/1955 scr. 1995 Hanningfield Metals, Stock, Essex |  | |
SH1707 | WH982 | EE Canberra B6 | d/d 20/10/1955, w/o 14/09/1959 |  |  |
SH1708 | WH983 | EE Canberra E15 | d/d 04/10/1955, scr. 12/1991 at Wyton |  | |
SH1709 | WH984 | EE Canberra B15 | d/d 20/10/1955, to 8101M, (N) pres. City of Norwich Museum, Norfolk |  | |
WA/H/65 | WH989 | Westland Dragonfly HR5 | f/f 14/01/1953, d/d 27/02/1953, w/o 03/08/1957 |  | |
WA/H/66 | WH990 | Westland Dragonfly HR5 | f/f 26/01/1953, d/d 13/02/1953, w/o 28/03/1958, to A2463, scr. |  | |
WA/H/67 | WH991 | Westland Dragonfly HR5 | f/f 05/02/1953, d/d 24/02/1953, to YAM, Elvington, during 10/1994 for display |  | |
WA/H/68 | WH992 | Westland Dragonfly HR3 | f/f 16/02/1953, d/d 11/03/1953, w/o 01/04/1954 |  | |